2009年12月3日 星期四

Good Lies

Good lies – Type 1

Topic sentence:

Good lies


It can make you feel better.

Example A:

A girl is a little fat but I still tell her” you’re so slender.”

Example B:

You get bad grades in the exam but I say you have good grades.

Good lies – Type 2

Topic sentence:

Helpful lies


In order to avoid some troubles.

Example A:

A boy throw a ball into the window but he tell police officer” I don’t know why the window got broken.” In fact, he just does it.

Example B:

I don’t want to go to school so I cheat teacher I’m sick.

1 則留言:

  1. Well, good lies of type 1 is very logic and makes sense. However, for Good-lies - Type 2, I would think of it as a...bad lies. What do you think?
